It’s fall! It’s fall.
Fall is one
of my favorite times of the year – going to the mountains to see the vibrant
gold aspen, drinking hot apple cider and enjoying beautiful fall days here in
But, this
week I could tell it was fall for another reason—the cloud I can feel
descending on me. It surprised me because I didn’t expect to notice my Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD) until late October or November.
At this
point, the symptoms are pretty subtle:
- It’s harder to get up in the morning.
- I am sleeping longer.
- I could eat cookies and chips all day long.
- Feeling more blah.
- And, once in a while, feeling plain depressed.
Really, on
certain days it feels like a cloud hovering over me that sometimes descends and
I realize, yep, I am feeling depressed.
The good
news is I now know what to do for it instead of wallowing in it or worrying
about it.
My plan of
- Be aware of my mood and emotions. Don’t shut down. Accept it when I can’t change it.
- Increase my Vitamin D. I cut it back over the summer when I am out in the sun more.
- Exercise. Getting outside for a walk does wonders for my mood.
- Think about what I eat. Probably time to clear the house of cookies and chips.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Take time for things I enjoy. Writing, music, playing with grandbabies…
- Connect with friends and family.
- Take time to connect with God.
- Give myself lots of compassion and grace.
My action
list is pretty much my daily practice anyway. But I know to be much more
intentional about it this time of the year.
Bring it on!
I am ready for fall!